Xena Brar discusses the fetishization of latinx femmes and breaks down how it is normalized in our society through media and film. 

The submissive Hot Latinx in television + films ; an exploration of racial fetishization from anglo or non-latino men.

By Xena Brar

“Across all platforms of popular culture, the Latina being has always been considered exotic and spicy. This is a constant for many Latinx persons in their everyday lives, being viewed as as a spectacle on a daily basis gets tiring and upsetting. I would like to acknowledge that the first step to delving into this exploration is realizing that in an Anglo driven world, the main protagonist within many media outlets specifically films and television shows are usually Caucasian. This being said, it is important to note that we can only explore such topics as this by realizing that Latina narratives in the media only speak to the ways in which the minority exists solely for their Anglo counterparts. Latinas being portrayed in popular culture specifically television, films and pornography only enhances and embraces the concept of racial fetishization, making it seem normal to the Anglo audience hence enforcing a negative stereotypes upon the community as a whole.”

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